The sigma empath makes for one of the rarest combinations of personality types that exist in the general population. They possess many of the same abilities as a classic empath, but manifest them in very particular ways. Empaths are those with an especially strong ability to feel the emotions and moods of others. They are highly sensitive, and described as “emotional sponges” by Dr. Judith Orloff, researcher and author of the book “The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People.” In her book, Dr. Orloff suggests that the empath’s sensitivity is the result of lacking the same emotional filters that most people employ to protect themselves from being affected by their surroundings. Sigma empaths, on the other hand, are highly attuned to the emotional states of others, yet they possess an inner sense of groundedness and confidence that allows them to resist being overpowered by the feelings of others.
The seemingly contradictory elements of their personality often leave those around them scratching their heads, trying to understand the inner workings of the sigma empath. However, these contradictions also make the sigma empath a powerful force to be reckoned with in society, so it’s important to know how to spot them. Narcissistic personality types are great at sniffing out empaths, and using their sensitivity to their advantage. Yet the groundedness of the sigma empath makes the ultimate foil to the narcissistic personality type. Despite their mystery, there are some reliable tell tale signs of a sigma empath that can be used to identify them. We’re going to go through the top fifteen signs that someone is a sigma empath. Read through to number one to find out if you or someone you know is in fact a sigma empath – the rarest of all personality types.
You view everyone as equal
As sigma empaths are those who choose to reject social hierarchies and live on their own terms, they are famously non-judgemental of others. Living outside of the social hierarchy means that the sigma empath never needs to seek the approval of those they view as superior, nor do they look down upon those they view as inferior. Rather, sigma empaths are able to look upon everybody as equal and form their judgments of people on an individual and unprejudiced basis. Their combination of empathy for others and their rejection of social hierarchy is what makes for the sigma empath’s highly fair and just nature.
You recognise your own flaws
Whereas normal empaths are known for their tendency to be people pleasers and easily manipulated, the same is not true for the sigma empath. The sigma personality type has a natural tendency to reflect deeply and perform self-analysis. As a result, they end up getting to know themselves on a very deep and honest level, and truly understand their authentic inner selves. Not only are they hyper aware of their talents, skills, and beliefs, but they are also highly aware of their own flaws. The sigma empath doesn’t shy away from these flaws, but rather embraces them, and gets to work on overcoming them.
You have a unique but strong sense of morality
The sigma empath is not one to play by society’s rules, and so they often develop their own unique set of moral codes by which to live. Sometimes, the fact that the sigma lives by their own moral standards can lead to suspicion from those around them, as others struggle to understand the exact moral motivations of the sigma. However, to the sigma themselves, this moral code is abundantly clear. They have reflected deeply and developed a sense of morality that they themselves feel is worthy of dedication, regardless of the expectations of society. As their moral code is formed with such authentic conviction, sigma empaths are rarely seen to stray from their values once they have developed.
You value your alone time above all else
Sigmas are by nature the lone wolves of society, so it goes without saying that they like to be alone. While they do of course enjoy some degree of socialisation, sigmas need to reserve enough quality time with themselves to allow them to perform the deep and pensive reflection for which they are so well known. The empathic nature of a sigma empath only compounds this need for alone time. Empaths feel a lot on account of the people around them, and all this can end up being quite emotionally draining. Sigma empaths will often find themselves needing to take time alone in order to recharge and build back up their emotional energy before heading back in to social environments.
You protect your personal space
As they have a strong need for regular time alone, a well maintained sense of personal space is an absolute must for sigma empaths. Sigma empaths will look after their personal space with great care, and usually do anything necessary in order to protect it. Sigma empaths like to draw clear boundaries for those around them about where and when they need their personal space to be respected in order to feel secure and reserve the time they need alone for themselves.
You easily spot microaggressions
Sigma empaths are highly perceptive people. As they are generally disinterested in attaining a rank within the social dominance hierarchy, they spend a great deal of their time silently observing those around them. Over time, the combination of their observance and their empathic nature make them experts in spotting microaggressions in people’s behaviour. Acts of passive aggression never work on a sigma empath, as they can see right through it. This is part of what makes the sigma empath so effective at dealing with narcissists and manipulators, as they are able to resist their acts of intimidation and passive aggression.
You are highly independent
Independence is a trademark feature of the sigma personality type and one of the easiest ways of identifying a sigma empath. Sigmas by nature march to the beat of their own drum and are by nature averse to following orders. Sigma empaths will harness everything in their power in order to resist falling into line, and make defending their freedom and indpendence their utmost priority.
You know how to get people to agree with you
The sigma personality type usually has their own unique way of going about things, and will often find themselves having to convince those around them that while their way of doing things might seem unconventional, they have their reasons. The sigma empath is particularly good at harnessing a combination of their intellectual and emotional intelligence in order to persuade those around them. If you often go your own way yet find that you have a natural knack for getting others to agree with you, it’s a particularly strong indicator that you might be a sigma empath.
You can sense when someone is lying
The highly perceptive nature of the sigma empath also extends to their ability to spot a liar. Sigmas are highly observant people and tend to spend a lot of their time silently picking up on the habits of those around them. With the edition of the empath personality type, sigmas possess an ability to spot liars that is so reliable that it can almost seem supernatural! The high emotional intelligence o the sigma empath means they spot tiny tells in a person that give away when they are lying, and their analytic nature means that inconsistencies in a story never go unnoticed.
You define your own worth
Sigmas are defined by their choice to reject the social dominance hierarchy and instead live by their own set of standards. As a result, sigmas never seek the approval of those around them. The sigma empath has a strong sense of self that is not defined by the opinions of those around them. Rather, they spend a lot of time looking inwardly and learning to understand themselves so that they and they alone define their worth. Sigma empaths can often be spotted by a unique sense of calm and ease when it comes to their self esteem and level of self worth.
You are aware of but unconcerned by society’s expectations
The rejection of social hierarchy means that sigmas practically never adhere to the expectations of society. Those with the sigma personality type carve out a set of expectations for themselves and make it a point to live by these and these only. Often, sigmas may not even notice what expectations society holds for them. Sigma empaths, on the other hand, are often highly aware of the expecations that society holds or them, but simply choose to reject them and keep walking confidently along their own path in life.
You see right through to the core of a narcissist
Sigma empaths are known for being the perfect antidote when it comes to dealing with a narcissist. Unaffected by the dynamics of the social dominance hierarchy, narcissists have a particularly difficult time manipulating sigma empaths to believe their self preserving lies. As narcissism tends to arise from a place of insecruity, sigma empaths tend to see right through to the core of a narcissist’s issues and understand exactly where that insecurity lies. This makes them incredibly effective at neutralising the toxic behaviour of narcisstic personality types.
You are a silent but effective leader
While the alpha may be the personality type most commonly associated with leadership, the sigma in fact possesses a secret ability to function as a strong and effective leader. In fact, sigmas are sometimes referred to as “introverted alphas” for this reason. Sigmas know how to lead with confidence and humility, and often earn respect through their lack of need for approval. Sigma empaths make for even more effective leaders, as they harness their emotional intelligence in order to maximise the dynamics of their team. When they find themselves in positions of leadership, sigma empaths know how to get their team to listen to them without aggression or even assertion, and make for silent yet effective leaders.
You spend a lot of time reflecting
One of the most notable traits of a sigma personality is the large amount of time they spend reflecting. Sigmas love to ponder, and when they think they do so deeply, and have no interest in shallow or superficial observations. Sigma empaths are no different, but they also possess the ability to spend a lot of time deeply analysing the emotional experiences of those around them. If you find yourself spending large amounts of time thinking over topics and can easily find yourself getting lost in your thoughts, it’s a good indication that you might be a sigma personality type, or even a sigma empath.
You prize your personal freedom more than anything else
The number one way to spot a sigma empath is the value they place on personal freedom. Their acute emotional radar and inability to adhere to social conventions mean that they find conformity highly distressing, and orient their whole lives towards avoiding the need to conform. If personal freedom is your number one priority in life, it’s possible that you could in fact be a sigma empath.